Computer Lab
Students are provided the opportunty to broaden their educational experience and gain the computer skills they need to be successful.
Open Bible Academy
                                                Serving the spiritual and academic needs of students for 49 years

Tricky Tray
Photo Gallery

Volleyball and Soccer Programs
Our Volleyball and Soccer Programs engage our students with other faith based schools.
Latest New and Events
Full Academic Education
Pre-Kindergarten - Grade 12
Academic training for students entering Pre-Kindergartern through Grade 12. 
The Bulletin Board


We look forward to getting to know you and your child.  Our accelerated curriculum and faith based program addresses each child individually.  Our mission is to build confidence and love of learning, while giving students a solid christian foundation for a healthy, happy, successful life.

Our longtime teachers and staff are dedicated to helping each child discover their unique potential - spiritually, academically, socially, and interpersonally.  We invite you to learn more about us and to visit our classrooms soon.
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